Babolat Aero Tour +

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enter site The Babolat Aero Tour + (long) was the initial Aero Beam technology racquet and the genesis for all the subsequent “Aero” racquet models.

Buy Diazepam 10 Mg What made this racquet unique, and quite frankly not well accepted, was the triangular shaft leaving the grip changed to the opposite direction as it transitioned through the throat. This transition turned the triangle with the wide edge not on the outside and the thin edge toward the inside of the racquet.


source link This did a couple of very positive things from my perspective. The shaft was very stable and the hoop was very stiff in plane. This combination made for a very stable platform. From this platform you can change string and string bed stiffness without regard to racquet stiffness.

Buy Alprazolam In China The down side of this design is that as you look at it straight on the width of the frame is “big”. Looking from the side provides a completely different and very narrow section. This was just the opposite of most contemporary racquets.
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Racquet ModelBabolat Aero Tour +
Reference Tension16
StringBabolat N.Vy Static Data
ASPS, FlexFour67.3
Racquet Flex, RDC72
Racquet Flex, FlexFour54
Weight, Gram329.0
Weight, Ounce11.61
Balance, mm331.0
Balance, Inch13.03
Length, cm70.3
Length, Inch27.67
Head Width9.56
Head Length12.94
Head Area, sq cm626.8
Head Area, sq in97.2
Number of Main Strings16
Number of Cross Strings19
Ratio Cross/Main0.622
Main String Grid7.25
Cross String Grid9.81
Average Cross String Spacing0.513
Average Main String Spacing0.446
follow url Dynamic Data
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERT42
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in234.91
First Moment, Nm0.842
Polar Moment348
Torsional Stability17
Swing Weight, Gram331
Swing Weight, Ounce11.68
Swing Weight Calculated360.5
Power, RDC41
Control, RDC58
Maneuverability, RDC
Power, Calculated2454.4
Head Points6.46
Head Weight, Percent47.1
Center of Percussion21.1
Dwell Time, Ms7.45
Effective Stiffness36.2
K, lb/in233.97
Recoil Weight157.87
Twist Weight225.71