Babolat Pure Storm Ltd +

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This racquet is an unusual but necessary museum piece!

While the racquet is not that old it is unique in that it did not fit the “Babolat” image of the Pure Drive market.  However…

The Babolat Pure Storm Ltd + represents the model that goes “head to head” with the Head Prestige which was, and continues to be, one of the favorite Head models.  So, it is natural that Babolat would want to participate in this market area.  As the “+” would suggest this racquet measured in at 27.5 inches long.  Head also made a 27.5 inch long Prestige for a while.

The physical geometry and specifications confirm that this Babolat was a very good option for a player looking for a racquet in this category.  The head size, string pattern, beam height, weight and swing weight proves this to be a real players racquet.

This racquet, however, did not, in my opinion, fit the Babolat thrust at that time.  Now may be another story!  The relatively new Babolat Strike may be the one to move them into the 18×20 market.


Babolat Pure Storm Ltd

Babolat Pure Storm Ltd +


Babolat Pure Storm Ltd + Shaft

Babolat Pure Storm Ltd + Shaft

Racquet ModelBabolat Pure Storm Ltd
Reference Tension57.5
StringAcelon Wildfire 17
Static Data
ASPS, FlexFour67.5
Racquet Flex, RDC59
Racquet Flex, FlexFour45
Weight, Gram324.6
Weight, Ounce11.45
Balance, mm319
Balance, Inch12.56
Length, cm70.1
Length, Inch27.59
Head Width9.44
Head Length12.75
Head Area, sq cm610.1
Head Area, sq in946
Number of Main Strings18
Number of Cross Strings20
Ratio Cross/Main0.667
Main String Grid7.20
Cross String Grid9.70
Average Cross String Spacing0.485
Average Main String Spacing0.400
Dynamic Data
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERT42
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in234.9
First Moment, Nm0.793
Polar Moment332
Torsional Stability13
Swing Weight, Gram319
Swing Weight, Ounce11.25
Swing Weight Calculated330.3
Power, RDC26
Control, RDC75
Maneuverability, RDC
Power, Calculated1868.8
Head Points9.92
Head Weight, Percent45.4
Center of Percussion21.6
Dwell Time, Ms7.45
Effective Stiffness32.6
K, lb/in233.9
Recoil Weight165.6
Twist Weight217.6



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