Kneissl White Star Aero
This is the “standard” size version of the Kneissl White Star Aero 30 that is also in this museum. Most of the comments valid for the “Aero 30” apply to this racquet. As with...
A New Look at Old Racquets
This is the “standard” size version of the Kneissl White Star Aero 30 that is also in this museum. Most of the comments valid for the “Aero 30” apply to this racquet. As with...
Wow! It is amazing what you can find when you break open boxes that have not been open for several years! This discovery is a very happy one because this racquet was one of...
The White Star Twin is, or was, the ultimate performance racquet from Kneissl. In fact it looks a lot like the adidas racquet used by Ivan Lendl… Like the Masters 30 this racquet was...
If you are a snow skier you are familar with the Kneissl brand but tennis players may not kow they, Kneissl, made some of the most player oriented racquets ever! Period! This, and most...