About Racquet Museum

I have been involved with tennis racquets for well over forty (40) years.  Over those years I have collected racquets from almost all era’s, including wooden racquets that you will see here.  I have included some of the racquets I designed and manufactured.

All of the racquets you see here are actually here! At any given time I can grab one of these racquets and hold it! The data you will see below each racquet narrative and images is comprehensive and, therefore, may need some explanation.

Follow this link to see what all this data means. Click the image to make it larger.

Racquet Museum

I think it is a good idea to share these racquets with you in one place and with real data included so you can get a feel for the specifications of all these racquets.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the “museum”.  I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.  Remember, in this museum you do not need to be QUIET!

Thank you!
Racquet Museum

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