If you are a snow skier you are familar with the Kneissl brand but tennis players may not kow they, Kneissl, made some of the most player oriented racquets ever! Period! This, and most of their racquets, were made in Austria.
This is my personal racquet
Not only did Kneissl know a little bit about carbon fiber they were masters of fiberglass! This racquet was primarily fiberglass and the feel when hitting a ball was simply “sweet”! By today’s standards the cosmetic finishing is “minimal” with just a litle red on the gray background.
Kneissl was one of the firsrt adopters of the “trap door” butt cap which is really necessary with many of today’s racquets when customization is required.

Manufacturer | Kneissl |
Racquet Model | Kneissl Masters 30 |
Reference Tension | 50 |
String | Red Alert/Head Syn Gut |
ASPS, RDC | 54 |
ASPS, FlexFour | 60 |
Racquet Flex, RDC | 53 |
Racquet Flex, FlexFour | 49.5 |
Weight, Gram | 341 |
Weight, Ounce | 12.03 |
Balance, mm | 331 |
Balance, Inch | 13.03 |
Length, cm | 68.6 |
Length, Inch | 27.01 |
Head Width | 9.50 |
Head Length | 11.94 |
Head Area, sq cm | 574.8 |
Head Area, sq in | 89.1 |
Number of Main Strings | 16 |
Number of Cross Strings | 19 |
Ratio Cross/Main | 0.670 |
Main String Grid | 7.40 |
Cross String Grid | 9.62 |
Density | 0.799 |
Average Cross String Spacing | 0.506 |
Average Main String Spacing | 0.463 |
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERT | 36 |
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in | 201.35 |
First Moment, Nm | 0.873 |
Polar Moment | 323 |
Torsional Stability | 14 |
Swing Weight, Gram | 309 |
Swing Weight, Ounce | 10.90 |
Swing Weight Calculated | 373.6 |
Power, RDC | 38 |
Control, RDC | 64 |
Maneuverability, RDC | 81 |
Power, Calculated | 1473.6 |
Head Points | 3.78 |
Head Weight, Percent | 48.3 |
Center of Percussion | 19.4 |
Dwell Time, Ms | 8.66 |
Effective Stiffness | 26.7 |
K, lb/in | 173.08 |
Recoil Weight | 129.5 |
Twist Weight | 231.14 |
Dear Racquet Museum:
What a wonderful find!!! Regrettably I found it at work and so there goes a bit of time today…but it’s terrific. I helped to develop and market several racquets in your collection, including the WIlson Profile (very stiff, not for young players with young arms or older players with soft arms) and all of the Kneissl racquets. Loved seeing your work and analysis. It has inspired me to go through my racquet collection and get them cleaned up and ready to present…I may send a few to you if you don’t already have them..
Thanks for the work you put in your site…very well done and very professional….what a terrific archive and now’s the perfect time for tennis fans to dive in because we have the French in process and Wimbledon on the horizon…
I currently have a large used various models Kneissl collection. Maybe 75 total. Used a lot of them back in 70s, 80s and 90s. Are they worth anything?
Gary, thank you for the. message!
I think they are worth a lot but most players don’t remember much about the brand.
All the Kneissl racquets were awesome. Send some pictures if you can.