Kneissl White Star Twin

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The White Star Twin is, or was, the ultimate performance racquet from Kneissl.  In fact it looks a lot like the adidas racquet used by Ivan Lendl…

Like the Masters 30 this racquet was made in Austria and uses a bountiful amount of fiberglass included in the graphite matrix.  The feel of this racquet is unique, for a composite racquet, and seems to be modeled after the most popular wooden racquets.

This racquet was from the mid 70’s I believe but there were many Kneissl racquets made well into the 80’s.

The head shape is based on the Kneissl concept of hitting the ball at the most powerful spot on the racquet, lower!  So the racquet head is wider as it is closer to the shaft instead of larger toward the head of the racquet.

Racquet ModelKneissl White Star Twin
Reference Tension47.5
StringAshaway Dynamite 18/Head Syn Gut PPS
Static Data
ASPS, FlexFour51
Racquet Flex, RDC53
Racquet Flex, FlexFour59
Weight, Gram346.0
Weight, Ounce12.20
Balance, mm323
Balance, Inch12.72
Length, cm68.6
Length, Inch27.01
Head Width9.10
Head Length11.44
Head Area, sq cm527.4
Head Area, sq in81.7
Number of Main Strings16
Number of Cross Strings19
Ratio Cross/Main0.670
Main String Grid6.20
Cross String Grid9.10
Average Cross String Spacing0.479
Average Main String Spacing0.388
Dynamic Data
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERT34
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in190.16
First Moment, Nm0.859
Polar Moment330
Torsional Stability13
Swing Weight, Gram317
Swing Weight, Ounce11.18
Swing Weight Calculated361.0
Power, RDC36
Control, RDC61
Maneuverability, RDC
Power, Calculated1387.1
Head Points6.30
Head Weight, Percent47.1
Center of Percussion20.5
Dwell Time, Ms9.28
Effective Stiffness24.9
K, lb/in150.64
Recoil Weight147.40
Twist Weight216.58

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