MacGregor Bergelin Longstring

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This may the first time you have seen this racquet!  So, you are excused for not believing what you are about to see!

This is the first commercially available racquet that did not require a stringing machine to re-string it!  This racquet did, however, require a lot of string and much patience.  Let me say, straight away, that this (was) is a great idea!  The execution was an issue, however.

Notwithstanding the racquet was fairly heavy in an era that was ushering in the ultra light racquets it was the stringing that destined it to commercial obscurity.

The concept is a diagonal pattern that originates from an aluminum block that is only visible through the top of the grip opening.  Into this block the ends of the string were inserted then the block is pulled into a position, by a screw thread, that achieves the string bed stiffness you want at any given time.  On this one you may be able to see the red lines indicating the highest and lowest string bed stiffness I wanted to use.

Each hole is numbered but it still was a real pain stringing this racquet.

MacGregor Bergelin Longstring
Racquet ModelMacGregor Bergelin Longstring
Reference Tension55
StringLeoina 66
Static Data
ASPS, FlexFour45
Racquet Flex, RDC65
Racquet Flex, FlexFour55
Weight, Gram370.3
Weight, Ounce13.06
Balance, mm317
Balance, Inch12.48
Length, cm68.6
Length, Inch27.01
Head Width9.75
Head Length11.68
Head Area, sq cm577.0
Head Area, sq in89.4
Number of Main Strings16
Number of Cross Strings16
Ratio Cross/Main0.703
Main String Grid8.50
Cross String Grid8.50
Average Cross String Spacing0.500
Average Main String Spacing0.500
Dynamic Data
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERT24
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in134.1
First Moment, Nm0.897
Polar Moment355
Torsional Stability18
Swing Weight, Gram337
Swing Weight, Ounce11.89
Swing Weight Calculated372.1
Power, RDC56
Control, RDC38
Maneuverability, RDC
Power, Calculated1978.8
Head Points8.19
Head Weight, Percent46.2
Center of Percussion20.4
Dwell Time, Ms9.89
Effective Stiffness25.8
K, lb/in144.2
Recoil Weight165.19
Twist Weight263.39



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