MatchMate Ceramic/Boron

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MatchMate is a brand you may not know much about but the racquets marketed as MatchMate were regarded as “state-of-the-art” graphite construction.  I believe these racquets were made in the US, at least, initially, and included various material compositions.

One, or actually, two possible negatives of this racquet in terms of sales is the use of “ceramic” and “Boron” on the racquet itself.  To me when I see “ceramic” or Boron” I assume that the racquet is going to be ultra stiff.  This is not the case here, of course.

As you would expect the ceramic/Boron model is white and that is the one we see here.

As you can also see this racquet is not strung in the normal 16×19 string pattern but instead a 16×10 string pattern.  I did this in the 90’s sometime so it is obvious that open patterns were being used even back then.

The racquet is a thin, straight beam that is nicely proportioned and finished.

Racquet ModelMatchMate Ceramic/Boron
Reference Tension60.0
StringWilson Synthetic Gut
Static Data
ASPS, FlexFour40.0
Racquet Flex, RDC54
Racquet Flex, FlexFour51
Weight, Gram317.5
Weight, Ounce11.20
Balance, mm317
Balance, Inch12.48
Length, cm68.6
Length, Inch27.01
Head Width9.64
Head Length13.30
Head Area, sq cm649.7
Head Area, sq in100.7
Number of Main Strings16
Number of Cross Strings10
Ratio Cross/Main1.16
Main String Grid8.09
Cross String Grid9.50
Average Cross String Spacing0.950
Average Main String Spacing0.506
Dynamic Data
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERT22
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/in123.5
First Moment, Nm0.769
Polar Moment292
Torsional Stability13
Swing Weight, Gram280
Swing Weight, Ounce9.88
Swing Weight Calculated319.1
Power, RDC38
Control, RDC64
Maneuverability, RDC
Power, Calculated1537.8
Head Points8.19
Head Weight, Percent46.2
Center of Percussion19.9
Dwell Time, Ms10.06
Effective Stiffness23.0
K, lb/in128.21
Recoil Weight132.69
Twist Weight221.13

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