Volkl C10 Pro

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As with all Volkl racquets the “10” series represents the “player” model and is it ever a players racquet!  The C10 Pro is the “thinnest” of thin racquets and that was, visibly, the mark of a “real” racquet.

This racquet, as is the case with current Volkl racquets, incorporates a multi-part grip system.  This system goes by several names but the end result is about the same and that is vibration damping.

Proportionally this racquet is extremely pleasing and the data will show you why this is a players racquet.

Racquet ModelVolkl C10 Pro
Reference TensionNot Strung
StringNot Strung
Static Data
ASPS, FlexFour0
Racquet Flex, RDC65
Racquet Flex, FlexFour45
Weight, Gram325.7
Weight, Ounce11.49
Balance, mm300
Balance, Inch11.81
Length, cm68.7
Length, Inch27.04
Head Width9.50
Head Length13.04
Head Area, sq cm627.7
Head Area, sq in97.3
Number of Main Strings16
Number of Cross Strings19
Ratio Cross/Main0.613
Main String Grid7.00
Cross String Grid9.75
Average Cross String Spacing0.513
Average Main String Spacing0.438
Dynamic Data
Dynamic Tension, KP, ERTNot Strung
Dynamic Tension, Lbs/inNot Strung
First Moment, Nm0.735
Polar Moment302
Torsional Stability13
Swing Weight, Gram289
Swing Weight, Ounce10.19
Swing Weight Calculated293.1
Power, RDCNot Strung
Control, RDCNot Strung
Maneuverability, RDC
Not Strung
Power, Calculated1846.0
Head Points13.70
Head Weight, Percent43.7
Center of Percussion21.4
Dwell Time, MsNot Strung
Effective StiffnessNot Strung
K, lb/inNot Strung
Recoil Weight160.80
Twist Weight220.77

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